2020 NICE K12 Virtual Cybersecurity Education Conference

2020 NICE K12 Virtual Cybersecurity Education Conference

The NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference will he held virtually on December 7 and 8, 2020. Attendees will experience cutting-edge presentations, networking, and resources—all from the safety and comfort of home or office. The event will provide education and...
Serious Cybersecurity Fun: Summer Camp

Serious Cybersecurity Fun: Summer Camp

USF Successfully Hosts Virtual Elementary CyberCamp for 29 Students Article originally published on the Cyber Florida website. The cybersecurity industry is an in-demand, high-paying field that is rapidly evolving but currently faces a major talent shortfall. With...
Flexibility and Unintended PD

Flexibility and Unintended PD

Reading Dr. Harmes’s post last month, Flexibility: A Teacher’s Range of Technology Integration Levels, got me to thinking about my own teaching. Since the focus of our center is technology integration, I’ve conducted hundreds of PD trainings,...
Action Research as Professional Development

Action Research as Professional Development

Most of us nod our heads in agreement when someone mentions the value of students taking ownership of their own learning. If we’ve been teaching for a number of years, we know that the students who do take ownership of their learning are the ones who are...
Two-Card Trick for PD

Two-Card Trick for PD

For a number of years, one of my primary responsibilities as a university technology center director was to conduct one-day professional development workshops for K-12 teachers. At least once—often twice—a week I’d find myself in front of a group of 24 teachers...
PD Resources for Implementing the TIM in Your School or District

PD Resources for Implementing the TIM in Your School or District

So your school or district has decided to implement the Technology Integration Matrix (Good choice!) and it falls to you to provide the professional development for your teachers. Fear not! The TIM website now has over 1,000 pages of content you can use. So where to...