FTCE Test Prep Courses
Want to teach in Florida?
These online, self-paced test prep courses are specifically designed to help prepare you to take the Professional Education and the General Knowledge: Reading, Math, English Language Skills and Essay subtests on the Florida Teacher Certification Exam. Each course contains a study guide, two practice exams, and additional practice questions for each competency and every skill tested on the FTCE Professional Education and General Knowledge Test. Individual courses cost $120.00 and we offer discounts for volume or group licensing. To purchase individual or group registration vouchers, please contact us for a written quote.
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Register today for immediate access. Complete the self-paced course within the eight- or twelve-week window.

FTCE Professional Education Test
This self-paced, fully online course reviews pedagogy and professional practices tested on the FTCE Professional Education Test. The course features a customizable study guide, two practice exams, interactive digital flashcards, and engaging practice activities throughout each module. You will have twelve weeks to complete the course from the time your register.
In this course, you will:
- Acclimate yourself to the Professional Education test structure
- Identify your level of readiness
- Determine personalized study and test plans
- Learn to interpret Professional Education score reports
- Engage with Professional Education competencies and skills—
- Instructional Design & Planning
- Learning Environment
- Teaching Strategies
- Assessment Strategies
- Professional Improvement
- Ethics & Professional Conduct
- English-Language-Learners
- Reading & Literacy

GKT ELS & Essay
This Florida General Knowledge Test prep course contains GKT ELS and Essay practice exams with feedback for each chosen answer and a self-scoring rubric, a customizable test guide, and rigorous skill practice questions to help prepare you to take the English Language Skills and Essay portions of the FTCE General Knowledge Test. You will have eight weeks to complete the course from the time your register.
In the English Language Skills and Essay course you will:
- Recognize the structure for ELS and Essay subtests
- Gauge your level of readiness
- Customize study and test plans
- Grasp the skills and competencies required for the English Language Skills and Essay subtests—
- Language Structures
- Vocabulary Application
- Standard English Conventions
- Essay Test Taking Strategies
- Decipher your GKT English Language Skills and Essay score reports

GKT Mathematics
This online, self-paced course contains a customizable study guide, practice exams, and math practice test questions to help prepare you to take the FTCE Math exam portion of the Florida General Knowledge Test. You will have eight weeks to complete the course from the time your register.
In the Math GKT course you will:
- Understand the GKT Math test structure
- Determine your level of readiness
- Create personalized study and test plans
- Acquire these essential Mathematics subtest competencies and skills—
- Number Sense, Concepts, and Operations
- Geometry and Measurement
- Algebraic Thinking and the Coordinate Plane
- Probability, Statistics, and Data Interpretation
- Comprehend GKT Math score reports

GKT Reading
This online, self-paced course includes authentic practice tests, explicit instruction, practice flashcards, authentic reading passages, and interactive general knowledge quizzes to help prepare you to take the Reading portion of the General Knowledge Test of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam. You will have eight weeks to complete the course from the time your register.
In the GKT Reading course you will:
- Familiarize yourself with the GKT Reading test structure
- Assess your level of readiness
- Develop individualized study and test plans
- Practice essential Reading subtest competencies and skills—
- Key Ideas and Details Based on Text Selections
- Craft Structure Based on Text Selections
- Integration of Information and Ideas Based on Text Selections
- Learn to interpret your GKT Reading score reports