In addition to local PD within your school district, consider attending a conference this school year. Conferences offer teachers and administrators the opportunity to network with other professionals, learn the latest and greatest in the field, become members of a national or international organization within a content area. Many of these organizations offer access to journal articles for members, which provides them with access to new information throughout the school year.
In addition to the recommendations below, be sure to check out regional or area meetings of some larger organizations. These offer the same opportunities to network and learn but may be closer to home. There are many more options than those listed below. If attending a conference is something you are interested in, do some research and see which conference or organization will best support your goals for this school year. You may also consider presenting at a conference to share your experiences with others. This is an excellent way to contribute to professional development of others while adding a line to your CV.
Some conferences to consider
Literacy Research Association https://www.literacyresearchassociation.org/conference
International Literacy Association https://www.literacyworldwide.org/conference
Children’s Literature Association https://chla.memberclicks.net/2020
Journal of Language and Literacy Education http://jolle.coe.uga.edu/conference/
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics https://www.nctm.org/annual/
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators https://amte.net/conferences/conf2021
National Association of Research in Science Teaching https://narst.org/annual-conferences
National Science Teachers Association https://s6.goeshow.com/nsta/national/2020/overview.cfm
Future of Educational Technology Conference https://s6.goeshow.com/nsta/national/2020/overview.cfm
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education http://site.aace.org/conf/
International Society for Technology in Education https://conference.iste.org/2020/
Allison Papke is a veteran teacher with experience teaching elementary, middle, and high school as well as teaching literacy coursework to undergraduates in elementary and special education. She also has experience as a tech specialist for grades K-10 and experience as a technology coach working with elementary teachers and college students to plan and implement technology into classroom instruction. She is currently earning her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Literacy Studies and Digital Literacy.
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